Did you know that it is unlawful to burn anything outdoors inside the City and the Urban growth area that surrounds the City? and you can be fined?
Did you also know that burn barrels are unlawful to use and have been that way since 1997?
Did you know that you can be fined for the nuisance smoke that is produced from illegally burning materials in the City? » Read more
Category: Uncategorized

The City of Yakima Fire Department held a pedal car raffle from the beginning of the State Fair in September until December 15th 2015. The winner of the pedal car, Patch Lewis in turn donated the car to the YWCA for the kids Christmas.
Representatives from Camp Prime Time, » Read more
FACTS ABOUT FIRE: Understanding how fire can kill without warning

Fire is FAST!
There is little time!
In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. It only takes minutes for thick black smoke to fill a house. In minutes, a house can be engulfed in flames. If you wake up to a fire, you won’t have time to grab valuables because fire spreads too quickly and the smoke is too thick. » Read more
Be a Fire Hydrant Hero

With all the recent snow, we have noticed that there are some hydrants that are not accessible. Please help us out and clear the space around the hydrant on your property so we can access it if there is an emergency. A fire that is burning in a building doubles at least every minute. If we had to take 10 minutes to dig around the hydrant before connecting to it. » Read more
Help Put a Freeze on Winter Fires

Did You know that home fires occur more in the winter months than any other season with heating equipment involved in 1 of every 6 reported home fires and 1 in every 5 home fire deaths? » Read more
Cold Weather Tip – Protect Your Family from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

With the colder mornings upon us in Yakima, Carbon Monoxide becomes more of an issue since your doors and windows are shut to stay warm.
Unfortunately 150+ people die on average each year from consumer product-related carbon monoxide. Knowledge and awareness are the keys to protecting your family.
Safety Tips
- Have your home heating systems (including chimneys and vents) inspected and serviced annually by a trained service technician.
Yakima Fire Department supports Camp Prime Time efforts with a raffle.
The Yakima Fire Department is holding a raffle for your choice of 1 of the 3 pedal cars seen here. The tickets are $1.00 each and are available upstairs in the Administration Office of Fire Station 91. ALL proceds go to benefit Camp Prime Time. For more information on Camp Prime Time, go to their website at: http://campprimetime.org/
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October Safety Tip – Cooking Fires

The 21st Annual Yakima Fire Department Spaghetti Feed is October 7th
The 21st Annual Spaghetti Feed will be held at Fire Station 91 from 4:00PM to 7:30PM. Come down and join us for some good food and help us support the Washington State Council of Firefighters Burn Foundation
See the flyer for more information
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HEAT WARNING for your pets
With record heat in the forecast, we are posting information this week to help you understand the risks and the potential for serious injury, even death caused by these high temperatures.
People love their pets, as much as children but some will not hesitate to leave their pet in the car while they shop or in the back of a pickup truck. » Read more