Be a Fire Hydrant Hero

With all the recent snow, we have noticed that there are some hydrants that are not accessible. Please help us out and clear the space around the hydrant on your property so we can access it if there is an emergency. A fire that is burning in a building doubles at least every minute. If we had to take 10 minutes to dig around the hydrant before connecting to it.  » Read more

Cold Weather Tip – Protect Your Family from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

With the colder mornings upon us in Yakima, Carbon Monoxide becomes more of an issue since your doors and windows are shut to stay warm.
Unfortunately 150+ people die on average each year from consumer product-related carbon monoxide. Knowledge and awareness are the keys to protecting your family.

Safety Tips

  • Have your home heating systems (including chimneys and vents) inspected and serviced annually by a trained service technician.

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HEAT WARNING for your pets

With record heat in the forecast, we are posting information this week to help you understand the risks and the potential for serious injury, even death caused by these high temperatures.
People love their pets, as much as children but some will not hesitate to leave their pet in the car while they shop or in the back of a pickup truck. » Read more