Fire Damages McCullough Road Home

Damage to a house in the 2600
block of McCullough Road, which is located in unincorporated Yakima County, in
Yakima is estimated to be about $200,000 following a fire early Friday morning.

Crews from the Yakima Fire
Department, the Union Gap Fire Department, and West Valley Fire District 12
responded to a call of a house fire in the 2600 block of McCullough road at
about 2:30 am Friday.  » Read more

9-1-1 Service for SunComm Operational – Service Testing Continues

calls to 9-1-1 are directly reaching the SunComm center that serves several
first responder agencies in Yakima County, but additional testing is being
conducted to ensure intermittent outages experienced early this morning after a
major outage occurred last night are completely resolved. 

an outage occurs again, or if anyone calling 9-1-1 gets a busy signal, » Read more

9-1-1 Service Restored to SunComm

calls to 9-1-1 are again directly reaching the SunComm center that serves
several first responder agencies in Yakima County.  On Thursday evening, an outage that
originated with CenturyLink resulted in SunComm switching to a backup phone
number.  Emergencies could also be
reported during the outage by texting 9-1-1.

outage affected 9-1-1 calling capabilities in multiple western states as well
as other internet-based services in several areas of the U.S.  » Read more

Winter is coming, are you ready?

Each year home fires increase during the fall and winter months, why is that?
As it gets colder and the days get shorter, we spend more time indoors. With spending more time indoors, there is a greater risk of fires in your home by :
Kitchen fires
Space heater fires – due to overloaded circuits or there is too much clutter near the heaters. » Read more